A new plot twist in life

Plot twist: “an unexpected development in a literary work...it surprises the readers, causing an immediate response in the shape of fear, awe, happiness, or laughter.” (Literary Devices

While life is not a literary work, it has its share of plot twists, and I recently experienced another one.  

In August 2021, I left a university where I had served 18 years (plot twist #1), and I decided to start a consulting business (plot twist #2) focusing on leadership development through overcoming challenges. With a higher education background, my target audience was college or university leaders who face challenges in areas such as accreditation, assessment, culture development, or strategic planning. In reality, my clients have been in the non-profit sector (plot twist #3), and I have really enjoyed the work.   

A couple of months ago, a friend shared a job opportunity with me. Since I was not looking for a job, it caught me by surprise when something in me felt led to apply. It felt like a long shot, but it also seemed like there was nothing to lose by simply “throwing my hat in the ring.”  As you have probably guessed, I got the job (Major Plot Twist!).  

I am thrilled to announce my new role as Director of Peer Corps Relations and Services for the Higher Learning Commission. This role combines several of my passions and skills, and I look forward to transitioning to this role later in March. Check out the HLC website to learn more about the role of peer review in the accreditation process. 

What happens to ABL Wise Consulting? ABL Wise will continue with a narrower focus – strategic planning in non-profit organizations. My experience has revealed a need for strategic planning in this sector. I have loved working with organizations in my community, and I look forward to future opportunities to partner with non-profits who are local or who have a mission that is close to my heart.  

I am so grateful for this plot twist. Just like you, I have experienced twists that were painful, disappointing, and grief-filled, as well as surprises that bring joy, awe, and laughter. As I reflect on my life, I realize it is a story that only God can write.  He’s able to weave together past story lines and future hopes in an intricate and inspiring way.

Over the next couple of weeks, I will be editing my LinkedIn profile and website, reflecting the transition of role and change in consulting focus. I’m not going anywhere (hello, remote work!), but I am continuing to grow, learn, and embrace new challenges.  

I don’t know what plot twist may be around the corner for you. It may initially cause fear or disappointment, but in the long run, the Lord may use it, redeem it, and guide you on another step toward joy and contentment. After all, God writes the most amazing stories.  

pc: freestocks via unsplash


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