Strategic Planning

Helping your organization fulfill your mission and reach your vision through the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of strategic planning

Strategic Planning Services


From blank paper to fully developed strategic plan, Allison Langford can help your organization create a plan that is aligned with your mission and values, clearly articulated, practically measured, and implemented in a clear and efficient way. A strategic plan should not be a dusty booklet on an office shelf; rather, the plan should be well-worn and known by everyone within the organization as it guides the steps for fulfilling the organization’s vision.


Strategic planning meetings and retreats can be facilitated by someone inside the organization; however, there are some challenges to that approach. Having a trusted third party facilitate your strategic planning meeting allows everyone within the organization to fully participate, and it brings an objective, outside perspective that can be both refreshing and affirming. Contact ABL Wise Consulting to discuss your plans for strategic planning.