enABLe Your Leadership

Through the enABLe Leadership System, your enhanced leadership will result in a healthier organization – the people, the culture, and the systems directly benefit.

“To enable” is to provide someone with the means to be able to do or be something. The enABLe Leadership System provides you with the means to be a transformative leader.

The enABLe Leadership System allows you intentionally develop your leadership skills within the context of an organizational opportunity or challenge.

The Four Facets of the enABLe Leadership System

  • SELF

    One of the most valuable nuggets of leadership wisdom is “you can’t manage others until you can manage yourself.”

    In this leadership facet, ABL Wise will review your habits, traits, and skills, including dimensions of emotional intelligence, to identify next steps in your development. Small improvements in self-management can have a big impact on other leadership facets and overall effectiveness.


    Every organization has a culture that includes vision, goals, beliefs, expectations, communication, and events. A positive culture can pave the way for an organization meeting its mission; however, organizations always have negative influences within the culture.

    In this facet, ABL Wise will assess your organizational culture, identifying positive and negative influences, developing a plan to intentionally build the culture you desire.


    Without followers, you are not a leader, and without people, you do not have an organization. Thus, people - employees, students, customers, supporters, donors, clients - are the heart of any organization.

    In this leadership facet, ABL Wise will examine people-related culture, processes, and connections.


    Organizations have systems - the processes, structures, policies, and infrastructure that support (or hinder) the work of the organization and your effectiveness as a leader.

    In this facet, ABL Wise will help you assess, analyze, and improve systems within your organization, primarily through strategic planning and change management.

The enABLe Leadership System utilizes a blend of coaching and consulting. ABL Wise partners with leaders of non-profit organizations to overcome challenges related to planning, organizational culture, and professional development (leadership, staff, and volunteers).

Services with ABL Wise

  • Services include leadership assessments and strategy sessions. Support establishing a plan for leadership development through the process of solving an organizational problem.

  • Services include culture assessment and development, as well as strategic plan assessment and development.

  • Training sessions cover topics such as leadership, effective teams, and managing self and others.

  • Services include environmental scans and process improvement, primarily the context of strategic planning and change management.