From Buzzword Bingo to Peace of Mind

In society, a word often becomes a buzzword – a term or phrase that seems to suddenly emerge as part of our daily lexicon.  Buzzwords such as  “drink the Kool-Aid” or “viral” or “leverage” are common in our professional and personal lives.  Buzzwords can support shared language and understanding, but they can also become terms with little meaning – ones we simply pass over because they are ubiquitous or even annoying.  We even make games out of them and hope to shout “Bingo” during presidential debates.

A buzzword I have recently revisited is being “intentional.”  Definitions of intentionality vary, but the Balance Through Simplicity blog states the following: 

“An intentional life is about making small, conscious daily decisions about what enhances your life and what just clutters, distracts, and pulls you off course.  It is the sum of these small decisions that shapes the bigger picture of your life.”

Now that’s good stuff.

Our lives are full of distractions.  Distractions drain us of energy.  Each time our brain switches topics and each time our attention is drawn away from the task at hand, some of our cognitive energy is depleted.  Consider these questions:

  • Do you find your work or living space cluttered?

  • Do you struggle to define (and keep) boundaries on your time and in your relationships?

  • Does your money seem to disappear, and yet you seem to have nothing to show for it?

  • Are you mentally drained by the regular ins and outs of each day?

  • Do you frequently use multiple technologies at once? 

  • Are you spending your time on activities that really don’t align with your priorities or values?

If you are answering yes to one or more of these, then you may want to consider this concept of an intentional life. 

Before you start decluttering your desk and making a budget, consider the bigger questions first.  Identify your core values, your purpose, and your goals – in other words, what matters to you and what do you want your life to be about? 

After answering these questions, consider a myriad of ideas related to intentionality and choose one consistent with your “big picture” responses.  The Balance Through Simplicity blog provides 14 ways to be intentional each day.  These include ideas such as creating a structure for your day, decluttering, being aware of your mental health, and consuming social media mindfully.  These represent just a few ideas related to intentionality.

Living intentionally will help you be an effective leader and an effective follower.  Consider a leadership coach and reach out to ABL Wise Consulting on how you can transform a buzzword into results.



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